How Mothers Find Time to Write

Finding Time to Write

by Deborah Owen, CEO, Creative Writing Institute

1. Without a doubt, the number one place to write undisturbed is on the commode. Take a cup of Java and enjoy your outing. Use the spray can a lot. It may dampen your paper, but it also stops questions like, “What are you doing in there for so long?”  

2. At the Laundromat. If you don’t mind writing while standing, the washer makes a great desk – at least until it starts spinning. Then you’re writing Chinese. 

3. The best ideas always come in bed. Keep a flashlight, pen, and paper by the bed. When the bloody muse pays you a visit in the night, prop one eye open with a toothpick and try to scratch something decipherable.

4. When the car is being repaired. Oh yes, this is a great place. Greasy waiting rooms are definitely created by men for men and writing is a great way to avoid the smelly guy with the three day beard. 

5. Many pastors encourage their flock to take notes during sermons. It could be considered sinful if you didn’t obey.

6. Have playtime with the kids. They scribble with crayons and you write… quietly… for 20 minutes. If they’re extra quiet, they earn a piece of candy. 

7. Trade babysitting with a friend and steal some writing time on the side.

8. Tape water wings on the kids and throw them in the deep end of the pool. Nah. Bad idea.

9. Stay up late, get up early. Write during the kids’ nap time or your lunch break.

But here’s the best one:

10. Tell the family, “When I get 30 minutes of undisturbed writing, you get supper.”

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5 thoughts on “How Mothers Find Time to Write

  1. Thanks for the smile today. I need to remember to keep that flashlight next to the bed. I always swear that I’ll remember that great idea in the morning but I never do.


    1. I’m sorry, but for some reason I didn’t receive a notice of your May 17 reply. Another neat hint is to use a tiny tape recorder and a flashlight. Wake up, speak a few notes into the tape recorder and listen to it later. The amazing thing is that you won’t be able to remember what you said, so it’s like hearing it for the first time, and then you get that “Aha” moment when it all comes back. Love the aha moments! Thanks for the note about my RSS feed. Wish I knew how to fix it.


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